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  发布时间:2023/12/3 媒体上刊热线:13910027984(微信同)

Luzerne @ Bendemeer是一座位于新加坡Bendemeer路和Bong Keng 路中间交汇处的写字大楼。 这个数字户外广告凭借其战略位置,针对性地推广品牌广告。 Luzerne@Bendemeer数字户外广告的形象赋予广告亮度特征,以确保广告商的品牌认知度。

Luzerne @ Bendemeer is a corporate building in the middle junction of Bendemmer Road and Bong Keng Road. With the strategic location, the Luzerne @ Bendemeer Digital Outdoor Advertising promote the brand advertisement constructively. The image of the Luzerne @ Bendemeer Digital Outdoor Advertising gives the brightness features to the advertisement to ensure brand recognition for the advertisers.
北京宏业凯广告有限公司,Redhot media international(China) Limited 
联系电话: 010-85590199,13910027984(微信同号) 王先生
